Mar 29, 2012

Dinner Last Saturday

Last Saturday after going to the zoo: Dad, Matt, Jazz, and I went out to dinner.  I thought I would share some of my favorite one liners from the evening.

My dad complained that he was the first one to start the echo game with Jazz in the car when she was a baby.  I of course argued that it was Jake and I, as was told in my blog post.  We decided the best way to handle the dispute was to ask Jazz.  It seemed perfectly logical, as it frequently does for parents, to ask a a child to recall a memory from their infancy and in her case with a brain injury.  So with joy we asked her who started the game first.  She proudly stated, "Daddy."  Then after a slight pause she turns to him and asks, "Was I right?"  We will truly never know when the game started....

After over hearing our debates about the Broncos trading Tebow for Manning and the mentioning of the Colts in this conversation, Jazz proudly announced that a colt is a baby horse.  I then explained that it is more specifically a boy baby horse.  Jazz then explained that there are two types of colts.  There are the baby horses and then there are these scary groups of people that make you do crazy things.  We all looked at her stunned for a moment.  I was the first to realize what she was talking about.  She was referring to a C-U-L-T.  A cult in Jazz language is a scary group of people that make you do crazy things.  Where she learned this word is yet another thing we will never know...

Jazz never ceases to amaze and entertain us.  Even if she is not doing it on purpose.  Hope this gave you smiles of entertainment and tears of amazement.

Much Love!

P.S. This was followed by a fun sleep over!  Something we have come to enjoy a couple times a year.  Our pets included!

The Zoo

The slumber party (Jazz, Frank, Rosie)

Mar 12, 2012

Movie Star

When Jazz was 4, she was in a Disney commercial.  We had been walking around a kid festival when a talent scout spotted Jazz and could not get over her zany and precocious personality.  She was asked to come in and do a brief screening.  She sang her favorite Veggie Tales song, "A Bushel and a Peck" and she was in.

The first audition she went to, she landed an agent.  Shortly after, she filmed her Disney commercial. It was a promotion for Handy Manny Man.  She also won a couple of pageants.  Unfortunately, her disability got in her way and made auditions and pageants very difficult for her.  But in her mind, she is famous and a movie star.

This belief in herself and pride in herself is something I admire about her and pray never fully leaves her.  She has had many hard times recently and her self-esteem has been dwindling.  It breaks my heart because obviously someone saw the shining star within her to make her a movie star, even if it was for just a brief moment.  No matter how short it may be, enjoy your super star moment as long as you can and let it fuel pride in yourself.

Much Love!

practicing modeling

first photo shoot

after pageant weekend

besties at pageant weekend

sleepy princess