Dec 8, 2011

Space Man Suit

So, when I was about 7, my dad crashed his motorcycle while racing.  In the process he lost part of his middle finger on his right hand, my mom forbid him from racing, and he destroyed his motorcycle suit.  The suit has since been hanging in the garage as both a trophy and reminder why he is no longer racing.

It looks a little like this (only torn up a bit):

The suit has been there for Jazz's entire life and never once has she asked about it or my dad's missing finger.  Until the other night.

 Jazz asked my mom and dad while they were all in the garage working on the broken washing machine.  Out of no where Jazz asked (as is typical for her), "Why do we have a space man suit?"

All that could be done was laugh.  And then attempt to explain to Jazz what is was and why it is still hanging there.

She always sees things in the most unique ways and sees things that we don't notice most of the time.  In this sense her brain injury is a blessing to all of us because it brings such a unique view to the world.

Much Love!

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